Wintertime flowers
As a consequence of Santa Barbara's combined winter/spring planting season, our front yard received it's new spring garb over the Christmas break. Elissa and I planted 24 medium-sized flowers in the front flower box, and scattered seeds in hopes that some would fall on good soil. In the following weeks, I have tended the flowers, and am pleased to report that they have adjusted well to their new home.
My devotion to the flower box stands in stark contrast to my neglect of the vegetable garden. Elissa, during her post-college living-at-home days, established a delightful herb and vegetable garden on the side of the house. However, neither my parents or I share her vision or dedication, and so the garden has fallen into disrepair since Elissa left for grad school.
Knowing my love for the practical, it may seem odd at my choice of attention. Are not vegetables more practical than flowers? Can flowers claim any usefulness at all?
I think I can indeed make a case for the importance of flowers. When my sisters and I take walks together (as we are wont to do), frequently we discuss the appearance of the houses where we are walking. The front yards are praised or scorned, but in either case, I feel like we are examining a speck while lugging around a two-by-four! If we, mere strangers, judge people by the appearance of their yards, how must others regard our own neglected, out-of-hand yard! For me, the evaluation of other yards must translates into practical action to our yard. Hence, for me, flowers in the flowerbed are a practical application of a long-cherished vision: a respectable, maybe even classy, yard in front our home.
To that end, I am starting a new 10-minute campaign. I will attempt to spend 10 minutes a day on some outdoor chore. Even if I can't complete the task in 10 minutes, I will have gotten more accomplished than if I save all gardening to some non-existent free weekend. And you'd be surprised what you can do in ten minutes! Today I trimmed the overgrown bush near the mailbox. Slowly but surely I will make progress and will see the fruits, or more appropriately, the flowers of my labor!
Wow! How exciting to see proof that the flowers are still alive! They look lovely! And what a shock to see that huge caterpillar on the "butterfly bush." I guess it lives up to its name! How did the wildflower seeds fare?
Also a very nice reflection on the importance of flowers. I agree, but I'll convert you to vegetable gardening yet!
Miss Elissa, at 9:04 PM
Thank you! Yes, the caterpillar is quite impressive - like one out of a book! I have seen some sprouts from the wildflower seeds, and I'm guessing they'll grow even more after this rain we're having.
Adelle, at 9:46 PM
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