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Friday, February 12, 2010

To-do lists and resulting activities

Why is it that the most appealing thing to do in an afternoon is the one item not on your to-do list? I even have my to-do list prioritized so I can be most efficient in my time, and does that help me? Not a bit. Because when I have the urge to throw everything out of the back of my truck and organize it, that's what I'm going to do, by jingo!

This cleaning project turned out to be time-urgent task, actually, because some rainwater had gotten through the truck shell and were damaging some of Mom's books that were being stored there. I guess that's one way to make the decision making easy. But most of the books were fine, and Mom and I were able to distribute them in admirable fashion.

Then after the sorting, we went on a string of errands and deliveries, so that after the used-book store, Mom's work place, the plant nursery, the thrift store, the bank, and the library, I can tell you with pride that the back of the truck is as clean as a whistle!

So it wasn't on my to-do list. I can deal with that. It was a very fun, satisfying little project. Now if only I could check off items off my actual list!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Sweaters away!

Santa Barbara winter is so bizarre! Or perhaps we should say non-existent. Today I decided to pack away my 2 thick sweaters. I wasn't wearing them, so why have them taking room in my dresser?

At noon I had a picnic lunch with my friend Ruth on the beach. The wind off the sea was somewhat crisp, but nothing a good sweatshirt couldn't handle.

Of course we did have 'weather' last week: almost 5 days straight of rain. Now the sunshine and moist soil create the perfect conditions to work in the garden!